Vas y mon chou appuies sur n'importe quel mot <3
Appelez moi Mélodie, j'ai 17 ans et n'hésitez pas à venir me parler en pv voilà tchouss keur keur <3 Pssssssst toi, oui toi ! Cette fille est génial passes la voir et je t'offrirais peut-être un magnifique cure dent ! Vick et Takacob <3 ( Elle possède mon mot de passe et mon âme)
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Mon club ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good evening !
Love that girl.
"Every single second of every day and every moment i replay all of the words I said the ways I left you broken, I'm choking and soaking in things she wrote in her notes and I feel a lump in my throat [...] I want something more for you than I could ever give, it makes me fucking sick inside you'd choose me over him [...] I am a mess, an added stress, a vacant nest, glued together by memories and you said it best, life's such a bitch until we die [...] All the nights stuck in my bed wishing you could leave, but you were scared of losing me..."
-Landon Tewers, I'll always be proud
snap: theaiko vouala
oui ça c'est moi mais chut c'est un secret hihi