SailorFuku est un jeu de mode où tu incarnes une jeune lycéenne, dans la ville de SailorCity, au Japon.
Rencontre d'autres joueuses, évolue dans ta carrière et drague les personnages de ton choix !

humeur envoyée le 17 sept. 2020 à 19:29
  • Muun
  • Niveau 31 ( 36/3400)
  • Non-scolarisée
  • Idole de la pop

Modifié le 29/11/2023


Muun - 23 ans - Artiste equilibriste


BoJack: If I'm shitty, that's just because I'm shitty. You're allowed to be mad at me, but you need to know that whatever I do, it's not your fault.

Hollyhock: I know. I mean, I know, but I don't always know, you know? Like, sometimes I have this tiny voice in the back of my head that goes, like, "Hey, everyone hates you! And they're not wrong to feel that way!"

BoJack: I know what you mean.

Hollyhock: That voice, the one that tells you you're worthless and stupid and ugly?

BoJack: Yeah?

Hollyhock: It goes away, right? It's just, like, a dumb teenage-girl thing, but then it goes away?

BoJack[smiling in spite of himself] Yeah.


Bojack Horseman


Explications - 754 articles
