Euhh moi c'est kushiikii je suis nouvelle sur se jeux ^^ I'm 15 years old and i hope that i'll make a lot of freinds *o* !! heuumm je parle pas tr frencais mais je comprend Bien !!
euh and i Love watching anime and playing video games and also reading manga So you can say that i'm a Otaku
as i said . hope that i'll make a lot of freinds Who i'll share with them a lot of stuff that i Love and add me please because i accepte all the invitaion heh x) !!
j'aispere que je ferai beaucoup de rencotre merveilleuse ! <3 <3
Peace ! ^_^ Erza Love herrrrrrr <3 <3
lucy alfen Lied <3 <3
Naluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3333
Mei Misaki the Anime Another :D <3 <3 <3