SailorFuku est un jeu de mode où tu incarnes une jeune lycéenne, dans la ville de SailorCity, au Japon.
Rencontre d'autres joueuses, évolue dans ta carrière et drague les personnages de ton choix !


    Présidente :
    Activité :
    0 connectée(s)
    1 membres
    0 messages postés
    Date de création :
    le 12/08/2014 à 10:14

    Modifié le 04/02/2022

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} .printer-preview-content .t120336 .order-table tbody > tr > td.line-item-description span.line-item-refund { display: inline-block; padding: 2px 8px; margin-top: 3px; background-color: #FFEA8A; border-radius: 14px; } /* ### DESIGN SPECIFIC - PRICING TABLE SPECIFIC ### */ .printer-preview-content .t120336 .pricing-table tbody > tr.pricing-table-total-row > td { border-top: 2px solid {{ theme_color }}; border-bottom: 2px solid {{ theme_color }}; padding-bottom:5px; } .printer-preview-content .t120336 .pricing-table tbody > tr > td.pricing-table-title, .printer-preview-content .t120336 .pricing-table tbody > tr > td.pricing-table-title span { font-weight: bold; color: {{ primary_font_color }}; } .printer-preview-content .t120336 .pricing-table tbody > tr.pricing-table-total-row .pricing-table-title, .printer-preview-content .t120336 .pricing-table tbody > tr.pricing-table-total-row .pricing-table-text { font-weight: bold; color: {{ primary_font_color }}; } /* ### DESIGN SPECIFIC - ORDER NOTES ### */ .printer-preview-content .t120336 .notes-title { font-weight: bold; color: {{ primary_font_color }}; } /* ### DESIGN SPECIFIC - RETURN FORM REASON CODES ### */ .printer-preview-content .t120336 .return-codes b, .printer-preview-content .t120336 .return-code b * { font-weight: bold; color: {{ primary_font_color }}; } /* ### DESIGN SPECIFIC - THANK YOU MESSAGE ### */ .printer-preview-content .t120336 .thanks-text { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: {{ theme_color }}; } .printer-preview-content .t120336 .thanks-text * { font-weight: bold; color: {{ theme_color }}; } /* ### DESIGN SPECIFIC - GIFT MESSAGE ### */ .printer-preview-content .t120336 .gift-text { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 80%; margin: 0 10%; padding-bottom:14px; font-size: 18px; } .printer-preview-content .t120336 .gift-text * { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; } .printer-preview-content .t120336 .gift-text svg { padding-bottom:7px; } /* ### DESIGN SPECIFIC - TERMS AND CONDITIONS ### */ .printer-preview-content .t120336 .terms-text { font-size: 9px; text-align: center; 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    • Invoice No. {{ order_name }}
    • Invoice Date {{ created_at | date: "%d.%m.%Y" }}
    • Edit: {{ transaction_text }}
    • Shipping {{ shipping_method.title }}
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-no-margin shop-block col-xs-12">
    <div class="full-editable shop-address-block">
    <p><strong>Thai Foodstuffs sprl</strong></p>
    <p>TVA: BE 0882.992.681&nbsp; &nbsp;<strong><br /> </strong></p>
    <p>Rue du Saule 41 / Ganshoren, 1083 /</p>
    <p> /T&eacute;l: 023/960.546</p>
    <a href="https://{{ shop.domain }}" target="_blank"> </a></div>
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12 shop-block col-no-margin">
    <div class="shop-address-block full-editable">
    <p><strong>Thai Foodstuffs sprl</strong></p>
    <p>TVA: BE 0882.992.681&nbsp; &nbsp;<strong><br /> </strong></p>
    <p>Rue du Saule 41 / Ganshoren, 1083 /</p>
    <p> /T&eacute;l: 023/960.546</p>
    <a href="https://{{ shop.domain }}" target="_blank"> </a></div>
    • {{ }}
    • {{ }}
    • {{ billing_address.address1 }}
    • {{ billing_address.address2 }}
    • {{ | upcase }} {{ }}
    • {{ billing_address.province }}
    • {{ }}
    • {{ }}
    • {{ }}
    {% assign hidden_variant_ids = "" %} {% for line_item in line_items %} {% if %} {% assign hidden_variant_ids = hidden_variant_ids | append: ',' %} {% assign hidden_variant_ids = hidden_variant_ids | append: %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign hidden_variant_ids = hidden_variant_ids | split: ',' %} {% for line_item in line_items %} {% if line_item.quantity < 1 %}{% continue %}{% endif %} {% if hidden_variant_ids contains line_item.variant_id %}{% continue %}{% endif %} {% assign adjusted_item_price = line_item.price %} {% assign adjusted_line_price = line_item.price | times: line_item.quantity %} {% for line_item2 in line_items %} {% if contains line_item2.variant_id %} {% assign adjusted_item_price = adjusted_item_price | plus: line_item2.price %} {% assign adjusted_line_option_price = line_item2.price | times: line_item.quantity %} {% assign adjusted_line_price = adjusted_line_price | plus: adjusted_line_option_price %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign product_tax = 0.0 %} {% for tax in line_item.tax_lines %} {% assign per_item_tax = tax.price | divided_by: line_item.quantity %} {% assign product_tax = product_tax | plus: per_item_tax %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
    Item  Qty Price (excl. Tax) Tax Price Total

    {{ line_item.title | replace: " - Default Title", "" }}

    {% assign refunded_quantity = 0 %} {% for refund in refunds %} {% for refund_line_item in refund.refund_line_items %} {% if == refund_line_item.line_item_id %} {% assign refunded_quantity = refunded_quantity | plus: refund_line_item.quantity %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if refunded_quantity > 0 %} Refunded × {{ refunded_quantity }} {% endif %}
    × {{ line_item.quantity }}

    {{ adjusted_item_price | minus: product_tax | money }}

    {% for tax in line_item.tax_lines %} {{ tax.rate | times: 100 }}% {% else %} 0% {% endfor %} {% if line_item.original_price and line_item.original_price > adjusted_item_price %} {% assign original_price = line_item.original_price %} {% elsif line_item.variant.compare_at_price and line_item.variant.compare_at_price > adjusted_item_price %} {% assign original_price = line_item.variant.compare_at_price %} {% elsif line_item.variant.price and line_item.variant.price > adjusted_item_price %} {% assign original_price = line_item.variant.price %} {% else %} {% assign original_price = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if original_price > 0 and original_price > adjusted_item_price %}

    {{ original_price | money }}

    {% endif %}

    {{ adjusted_item_price | money }}

    {{ adjusted_line_price | money }}
    {% if note != blank %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ note | newline_to_br }}
    {% for discount in discounts %} {% if discount.amount != 0.00 %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if total_discounts != 0.00 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for tax_line in tax_lines %} {% endfor %}
    Discount{% if discount.code != blank %} {{ discount.code }}{% endif %} -{{ discount.amount | money }}
    Discount -{{ total_discounts | money }}
    Subtotal {{ subtotal_price | money }}
    Shipping {{ shipping_price | default: 0 | money }}
    Total excl. Tax {{ total_price | minus: total_tax | money }}
    {{ tax_line.title }} ({{ tax_line.rate | times: 100}}%) {{ tax_line.price | money }}
    Total {{ total_price | money }}




    IBAN: BE62.7340.5596.4561 - BIC: KREDBEBB









    Thai Foodstuffs sprl

    TVA: BE 0882.992.681   

    Rue du Saule 41 / Ganshoren, 1083 / /Tél: 023/960.546

    Nouvelles membres
