SailorFuku est un jeu de mode où tu incarnes une jeune lycéenne, dans la ville de SailorCity, au Japon.
Rencontre d'autres joueuses, évolue dans ta carrière et drague les personnages de ton choix !


    Présidente :
    Activité :
    0 connectée(s)
    15 membres
    117 messages postés
    Date de création :
    le 08/06/2023 à 18:52

    Modifié le 14/06/2023

    Bonjour oh sorry hello ! Bienvenue à tous et à toutes dans mon club j'ai créer se club pour qu'on apprenne l'anglais ! plus vous parlerez et vous communiquerez en anglais et plus vous découvrirez le monde des anglais ! chaque jour je mettrais une video juste en dessous pour une leçon en anglais et quelques renseignement si vous avez besoin d'aide ! Cool            Leçon du jour :

    Les pays anglophones et le Royaume Uni


    My pleasure ! Don't forget that winter is coming...
    à 17:35 le 19/10/2024
    You're welcome ^^
    à 11:23 le 13/10/2024
    i’m happy for you Evalilia! thank you soo much for the books ideas !
    à 15:05 le 12/10/2024
    That's great that you have a new friend Evalilia ;)
    à 12:39 le 12/10/2024
    I hope that you don't hurt, I never had braces. Courage ! :(
    à 12:38 le 12/10/2024
    Hi girls ! I don't see my bf also HoneyHello, so we organize moments to two the weekend when we can, we don't have the choice. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
    I've books to you (I don't know if you will understand everything) : Dracula by Bram Stocker in English and in French. Personally, I take the same book two times in English and in French to understand better. There is a parody interesting by George Orwell : Animal Farm.
    After, I've anothers books but there are very complicated without the French version.
    à 12:35 le 12/10/2024
    it was cool I met new friend !!. uhm I think I have a book for you in englislish Honeyhello I will tell you the name if I remember
    à 20:17 le 11/10/2024
    ohh and since yesterday i have braces :(
    i think that i look very bad on me, i think that it hit different of girls in my school who have also braces..
    à 18:56 le 09/10/2024
    that’s so cool! i’m happy for you ahah!
    i’m in the same class as my “friends” but i’m not with my bf..
    i am very sad, cause now i see him only the morning during 5 minutes before school starts, sooo i miss him smmm!
    we spend time together so rarely but, we can’t change that!
    did you read books in english? i search books (to learn english more than i learn in class) easily to read. i wish speak easier like it went immediately in my head. (que ce soit spontané)
    sorry if my english isn’t perfect ;)
    à 18:52 le 09/10/2024
    Hi girls ! ^^ I understand, it's the same thing to me, that's complicated to back now here.
    Incredible Evalilia tell us ! :)
    It was very cool, I'm with my friends and we are a good classroom and you ? ^^
    à 22:39 le 08/10/2024