SailorFuku est un jeu de mode où tu incarnes une jeune lycéenne, dans la ville de SailorCity, au Japon.
Rencontre d'autres joueuses, évolue dans ta carrière et drague les personnages de ton choix !


    Présidente :
    Activité :
    0 connectée(s)
    10 membres
    14 messages postés
    Date de création :
    le 14/01/2021 à 07:56

    Modifié le 14/01/2021

    Hello, everybody!Innocent

    We all enjoy listening to music, some of us also sing and play instruments!

    So I thought, why not start a club for aspiring musicians?


    Hi everyone!! This club seems really cool
    à 16:59 le 09/03/2021
    Who do you guys listen to ?
    à 16:36 le 22/01/2021
    I took piano lessons for several years when I was younger but I've been learning ukulele by myself (it's actually pretty easy in my opinion to learn it alone but I'm not a professional at all, I just sing and play along) ;)
    à 16:36 le 22/01/2021
    à 14:07 le 22/01/2021
    My crush plays literally every single instrument I can think of, oh I'm down bad <3
    à 13:19 le 22/01/2021
    I only did the snare drum for a percussion band, my crush plays the whole drum set the best :)
    à 13:19 le 22/01/2021
    :O drums! I had to learn the basics in middle school, I was sooo bad at it. You're awesome!

    Axolotl, nice :D I'd like to try the ukulele one day! Did you learn by yourself or do you have a teacher?

    I learned piano and violin =) I also had the opportunity to try various instruments, even though I don't play them well.
    à 00:14 le 22/01/2021
    hi ! I play piano and take up the ukulele ;) What about you @MugetsuKitsune ?
    à 20:39 le 21/01/2021
    Hey, so I used to do drums
    à 05:54 le 21/01/2021
    Is there anyone who plays music here? =)
    à 21:22 le 18/01/2021